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Meet The Team

Making your dream a reality.

Damian White

President – Designer

Damian attended Regent’s University in London, England and received his British and American B.F.A in Media Production. After completing his first assignment in editing he discovered his passion to create beautiful videos and images. Upon completing his degree in London he moved to Baltimore and started working in a sales and marketing firm where he was able to increase his communication skills and discovered a niche market where he could successfully apply his talents. He realized the need for branding, social media management and public relations was escalating and set out to be a pioneer in the industry. Through networking with several sales and marketing firms he was able to quickly gain new clients and his independent venture quickly evolved into incorporation as Dazz Media. His goals now are to acquire 40 clients by the end of 2019 with his team and to climb every mountain in Southern California with his pup, Teddy, by 2020.